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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/17

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Catalogue of the Arctiadæ (Arctianæ) and Agaristidæ in the Collection of the British Museum, by Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., 436
Fauna, Flora, and Geology of the Clyde Area, edited by G.F. Scott Elliot, Malcolm Laurie, and J. Barclay Murdoch, 437
How to Know the Indian Ducks, by F. Finn, 437

Botaurus stellaris, 71, 108, 208

Breeding, early, of Wood-Pigeon and Snipe, 185; of Straw-necked Ibis in W. Australia, 261; of Wigeon in Ireland, 269; of Swift, 286, 384, 426, 474; of Blue-headed Wagtail in Sussex, 389; of American Wigeon in Iceland, 411; of Hobby in Shropshire, 426; of Leadbeater's Cockatoo in England, 478

Brembana Valley, bird notes from, 1

Bubo ignavus, 7

Budytes borealis, 10; cinereocapillus, 10; feldeggi, 10; flavus, 10

Bunting, Cirl, 251

Bustard, Little, in Derbyshire, 270; in Sussex, 428

Buteo ferox, 6; lagopus, 283

Butorides javanica, 257

Butterflies, Kanara, food-plants, 198; of Borneo, seasonal variation in, 198

Cacatua leadbeateri, 478

Caccabis rufa, 15; saxatilis, 14

Calamodus schœnobænus, 10

Calf of Man, birds observed on, 468

Calidris arenaria, 103, 284

Cambridge Museums and Lecture-Rooms Syndicate, Annual Report, 280

Cape Colony, larger game animals of, 114

Caprimulgus europæus, 7, 70, 391

Carduelis elegans, 12

Carpodacus erythrinus, 267

Cephalophus monticola, 448

Certhiæ, 9

Certhia familiaris, 9

Chaffinch, active mimicry by, 223

Chanter, Water, of Turner, 480

Charadrius pluvialis, 15, 99, 189, 209, 414

Chaulelasmus streperus, 284

Chelidon urbica, 8, 30, 69

Chiffchaff singing in autumn, 388, 424

Chlorophila citrinella, 12

Chough, 248, 250; a stronghold of, 268

Chrysomitris spinus, 12, 283, 425, 426

Cinclus aquaticus?, 480; melanogaster, 9; merula, 9

Circætus gallicus, 5

Circus æruginosus, 6; cineraceus, 6, 477; cyaneus, 6

Clangula glaucion, 283; islandica, 412

Clepsine, 335

Clupea alosa, 23

Coccothraustes vulgaris, 12, 205

Coccyzus americanus, 474

Cockatoo, Leadbeater's, breeding in England, 478

Coluber leopardinus, 159

Columba palumbus, 283

Colymbus adamsi, 298; arcticus, 298; glacialis, 284, 298, 417; septentrionalis, 283, 298, 417

Conger vulgaris, 160

Connochætes gnu, 78

Coracias garrulus, 7, 316

Corixidæ, 200

Corvus corax, 13. 407, 470; cornix, 13, 30, 207, 283, 470; corone, 13, 30, 207, 407; frugilegus, 13, 189, 207, 470; monedula, 13, 70, 154, 470

Cosmonetta histrionica, 412

Cotile riparia, 8, 69, 469

Coturnix communis, 14

County Records:

Berkshire—Birds of, 274; Alcedo ispida, 354; Chiffchaff, 424; Sand-Lizard, 392, 430, 479; Regulus cristatus, 472; Peregrine Falcon, 476
Cambridgeshire—Birds' eggs, 110
Cheshire—Noctule, 51; Black Tern, 188; Long-tailed Field-Mouse, 221
Cornwall—Black Tern, 188; Little Bittern, 354
Derbyshire—Little Bustard, 270; Swift, 286, 426
Devonshire—Rosefinch, 267
Durham—Glossy Ibis, 185
Essex—Red-footed Falcon, 426
Gloucestershire—Blackcap, 106; Sparrow-Canary hybrid?, 353; Vesperugo pipistrellus, 472
Hampshire—Pied Wagtail, 154; Wildfowl, 156; Osprey, 427; Great Snipe, 428; variety of Swallow, 428; American Yellow-billed Cuckoo.