Parts I. and II. of this truly biological publication were noticed in 'The Zoologist' for 1899 (p. 90). Since that time three more parts have appeared, and have maintained the standard which the authors of the first instalments so well initiated. It is difficult indeed to adequately draw attention to Parts III., IV., and V. The authors are many, the subjects numerous, and, we may add, relate to animals unfortunately caviare to most of our readers. Thus the Enteropneusta, described by Dr. Willey, represent a group scarcely recognized by many zoologists of other special studies, and their position in animal life understood by still fewer; and yet inspire a communication that really makes for a knowledge of organic evolution. Evolution to-day is the talk of the man in the street; though its principles are understood by so few, that it is practically—so far as technical knowledge is concerned—confined to the consideration of experts. The most popular doctrines are generally those least understood outside the circle of serious students. In Part IV. ornithologists will find "A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Megapodii," by Mr. Pycraft; while the Robber Crab (Birgus latro), too often considered as having its young born resembling the parent, is well described and illustrated in Part V. by Mr. Borradaile as producing its young in the zoæa stage. These short notices give no proper digest of the contents of these last published parts; but, for the reasons given above, further review is beyond our space. It is a work for consultation rather than for quotation, and it is a sign of the times that several of the contributors are ladies.
A knowledge of the Antarctic regions is as much desired by zoologists as by geographers. Many problems in zoo-geography