were considered as of probable solution when the fauna of these frigid wastes was studied, and we are indebted to the generous enterprise of a private citizen, Sir George Newnes, that this expedition was made possible. It was accompanied by Nikolai Hanson, an accomplished zoological collector, who had already done good work for both the British and Christiania Museums, but who unfortunately succumbed to disease, and was buried on this lone continent.
The zoological results which will interest most of our readers are to be found in Chapter VII.—"Among the Penguins"—Eudyptes adeliae being the dominant species; and the question was solved as to the black-throated and white-throated Penguins being one species at different stages of plumage. The worst enemy of these Penguins is a Skua (Lestris), "which constantly soared over their nests, watching for an opportunity when they might steal an egg or catch a young one." The author claims, by the discovery of species of insects and members of the shallow-water fauna, to have further proved the existence of bipolarity, and we may expect to hear more of this expedition when the whole of the biological collections have been worked out.
Last year a notice of Part I. of this publication appeared in our pages; we have now received Parts II. and III., completing the work. We then appraised this 'Text-Book' as supplying a want in introductory Zoology to school children, to whom zoology is not an end, but a part of a liberal education. We still hold that opinion despite many lacunæ, and a general absence of progressive nomenclature and classification. But to impart that information is not the aim of the publication; it is rather designed to describe an animal as it is, more than its evolutionary position in the organic series, or under its more modern cognomen in advanced scientific literature. It is suggestive