Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/199

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BALBYTHAN HOUSE 183 FOURTH PERIOD The apartments have rather the appearance of the suites of rooms which were introduced in the seventeenth century, than the older and simpler arrangement of hall, drawing-room, and private room only on the first floor, which we have just been considering. This may be regarded as an example of the completest possible development of the L plan, forming as it does what might be the two sides of a courtyard. The house is in a quiet retired glen about 1| mile from Kintore, and is now the property of the Earl of Kintore. It is said that the mansion was formerly nearer Kintore, but was removed to this quiet spot, so as to be out of harm's way. NORTHFIELD HOUSE, HADDINGTONSHIRE. This house is situated within a few minutes' walk of Prestonpans railway station, and about eight miles from Edinburgh. Adjoining it is the old mansion-house of Sir John Hamilton, and the still older Preston Tower (both illustrated in this work). The house is of the L plan, with the wing on the north side, and a turret staircase in the re-entering angle (Fig. 641). FIG. 641. Northfteld House. Plans. The existing turret is comparatively modern, the old narrow newel stair, shown on the ground plan, having been taken down, and replaced by a wide open stair, as shown on the upper floor plan. The original entrance was of course in the old turret, and entering off it were the kitchen and other arched apartments 011 the ground floor. In 1 6l 1, the