Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/200

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FOURTH PERIOD 184 NORTIIFIELD HOUSE house (which was probably at that time comparatively new) seems to have been lengthened at the east end by the addition of a new entrance doorway on the south side leading to a scale and platt stair, and a new Fro. 642. Northfield House. View from the South-East. kitchen, with rooms over it. The main building is thus of greater length than usual, and has a plain but picturesque appearance (Fig. 642). The new doorway is shown on Fig. 643, with the arms and initials of John Marjoriebanks of that Ilk, and his wife, M Simpson, carved on the lintel, to- gether with the Scriptural quotation, EXCEPT THE LORD BULD, IN VANE BULDS MAN. It is instructive to compare this door- way with that of Wallyford House, in the immediate neighbourhood, erected sixty- one years later, where we have Renaissance ideas (partly foreshadowed here in the tympanum) carried out to considerable ful- ness. It may be also compared with that at Redhouse, likewise in the neighbour- hood, and, from the similarity of style, evidently erected about the same time. At the landing of the scale and platt stair on the first floor there is a quaint hall, FIG. 643. Northfieid House. with massive stone architraves round the South Doorway. doors, and the floor laid with pavement of the design shown to a large scale between the plans (Fig. 641), being