Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/214

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FOURTH PERIOD - 198 KELTY HOUSE Drummond of Kelty. Her Ladyship died in 1833, after which Lord Hollo acquired the estate by purchase." From about 1454 to 1692 Kelty belonged to a family of the name of Bonar, who also possessed Forgandenny, Invermay, and Kilgraston, all in the same neighbourhood. This family is now represented by Dr. Horatius Bonar of Edinburgh. LESLIE CASTLE, ABERDEENSHIRE. Situated on a haugh on the north bank of the Gadie, about three miles from Oyne Station, this is one of the most advanced specimens in its class of the mansions of Aberdeenshire. The lands belonged to the Leslies from the twelfth century, but were acquired through marriage by the Forbeses in the seventeenth century. The castle was built by William Forbes in 166]. Over the . x -" ^ entrance was the inscription, " Haec. " Corp. Sydera Montem," and over the

gatehouse the date 1663. 

This building partakes more of the GARDEN I character of a mansion than a fortress. It was, however, surrounded with a moat and wall, and provided with a gatehouse and drawbridge (Fig. 657). The sinking where the moat was is still quite apparent, and a portion of the gatehouse still exists. This led to the outer court, containing the

"'- IH ji"V.~ ' / offices, of which some ruins remain. 

/ On the east side of the house lay the garden, now a ploughed field. The FIG. 657.-Leslie Castle. Plan of Site. house it self (Fig. 658) is L-shaped, but the plan of the simple keep with a wing is here departed from, and a third room is introduced, with a good square stair in a tower in the inner angle. The entrance doorway is in the re-entering angle of the tower, and it has been thought necessary, even at that date, to defend it and the house generally with shot-holes. The basement is vaulted, and contains the kitchen, with its large fireplace, trough for water-supply, and stone sink and drain. There are also three cellars, one being the wine-cellar, and having a private stair down from the hall. The first floor comprises the hall, 26 feet by 19 feet, the withdrawing- room, 1 8 feet by 19 feet, and a good private room, with a separate entrance from the main staircase. The hall has the old style of large fireplace, lintelled "with a rough granite slab, on which are carved the arms and OUTER COURT WITH OFFICES DRAW I