Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/215

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LESLIE CASTLE 1.99 FOURTH PERIOD initials of the founder. There is a private passage both from the hall and drawing-room to the stair to the cellar and to the garde-robe adjoining. The private room is well provided with accommodation, having a vaulted strong-room in one corner, with an inner safe, a garde- robe, and a private door, from which a moveable wooden stair must have led to the garden. The upper floors are divided into bedrooms. In the entrance lobby there is, in the central wall of the staircase, what appears QPlAN FIG. 658. Leslie Castle. Plans. to have been a fireplace,, from which a flue is carried up to the upper floors in the thick newel of the staircase, with narrow slits from the stair into FIG. 659. Leslie Castle. View from the South- West. it. It is difficult to determine for what purpose these have been intended.