Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/374

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FOURTH PERIOD - 358 - BALCOMIE CASTLE buildings where she was received were those most unfortunately pulled FIG. 805. Balcomie Castle. View of Entrance Gateway to Courtyard. down by one of the Earls of Kellie about the beginning of the present century, while the place was in their possession. STOBHALL, PERTHSHIRE. This residence is situated on the left bank of the Tay, about eight miles up the river from Perth. It consists of four distinct buildings, occupying the summit and point of a ridge bounded by the Tay on the west, and a deep precipitous glen through which runs a winding burn on the south and east sides. The entrance to the courtyard is by a gateway (Fig. 806) at the north-west angle, with a passage or " pend "