Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/375

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STOBHALL 359 FOURTH PERIOD under what is called the Dowery House." This house and two other buildings form an irregular courtyard, while the fourth building is situated on lower ground behind them to the east. The whole are con- nected by modern walls, occupying in all -probability the site of older walls. FIG. 806. Stobhall. Plans. The principal and oldest building of the group is that containing the chapel, bearing date 1578 in four places. It is in perfect preservation, and contains many points of interest. The entrance is protected by an outside porch with two doors, one on each side, within which there is an inner door in the main wall strongly guarded with a sliding bar. Beyond this is a passage with wooden partitions on either side, having the priests' rooms 011 the one hand and the chapel on the other. At the end of the passage another door gives access to a private room and to a turnpike staircase leading up to the floors above, and down to what