Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/594

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INDEX 578 CASTELLATED AND DOMESTIC Ballone Castle, turret degraded, ii, 1 1 ; description,, 24-8. Balmacraig Castle, description, ii. 463. Balquhain Castle, description, i. 303. Balvaird Castle, parapet, i. 224 ; bar- tizans, 225; embrasures, 254 ; de- scription, 335 ; introduction of staircase tower, ii. 17; arched entrance, 2f)(). Balveny Castle, description, i. 386. Harbour, description of Dunstaff- nage Castle, i. 92; reference to Linlithgow Castle, 478. Barclay, Margaret, monument of, ' i. 343. Barnes Castle, description, ii. 333. Barra Castle, description, ii. 399- Bath, Queen Mary's, Canongate, Edinburgh, ii. 10. Bayeux Tapestry, i. 4. Beaugency, Chateau de, i. 8, 9- Beaumaris Castle, i. 42. Bemerside Tower, ii. 38. Benholme Castle, description, i. 284; cape-house, ii. 317. Benholme's Lodging, Dunnottar Castle, i. 566. Bennet, Mr., Alloa Archaeological Society, i. 270. Berkeley Castle, i. 22. Berwick Castle, i. 464 ; walls, 467. Billings, R. W., Baronial and Eccle- siastical Antiquities of Scotland, i. v, 116, 390, 460, 497, 519; ii. 4, 5, 11, 43, 52, 107, 113, 220, 228, 242, 282, 338, 354, 370. Birsay Castle, description, ii. 328, 333. Birse Castle, description, ii. 49 ; resemblance to Knock, 49. Blackness Castle, i. 330. Blairfindy Castle, description, ii.. 82. Blervie Castle, plan of, ii. 6 ; de- scription, 263. Blind Harry, reference to Kiiiclaven Castle, i. 68, 69. Blois, Chateau de, i. 53, 476. Bodiam Castle, i. 49, 50. Boharm Castle, i. 63. Border peles, i. 58, 59- strongholds on, ii. 38. Borthwick Castle, guard-room in roof,.i. 152; wall paintings, 202 fireplace, 215; two wings, 224 parapet, 225; corbels, 232 barrel vault, 315; date of, 317 steep roof, 331 ; late Gothic work 336 ; description, 344 ; no gun- ports, 393; oratory, 406, 425 top story, 407 ; enclosing wall 483 ; Crookstoii similar to, 534 three-sided doorhead, ii. 292. Bothwell Castle, i. 63,64, 65, 92, 108, 418; description, 93 ; exchanged for Hermitage, 524 ; tower with keel, 31 ; St. Bride's Chapel, 106 ; chapel, 109; keep, 116; general form, 124; buildings in court- yard, 146; water-trough, 197; bartizans on buttresses, 354 ; arch in donjon, 527 ; window in hall, 549. Boyne Castle, gateway, ii. 296 ; description, 301 ; plan, 333. Boys, Mr. David, Master of Works, Raveiiscraig, i. 544. Brackie Castle, turrets and gables, ii. 11; stair, 68 ; description, 74. Brechin Castle, i. 63. Breckness, Bishop's house, descrip- tion, ii. 192. Brochs, i. 6l, 62 ; wall chambers in, 236. Burgie Castle, plan of, ii. 6 ; de- scription, 260. Burleigh Castle, description, i. 275.