Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/595

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ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND 579 INDEX Burnett,, George, Lyon King of Arms, on Ravenscraig Castle, i. 544 ; Mons Meg, 463. CAERLAVEROCK CASTLE, i. 232; tri- angular plan, 64 ; description, j 127; courtyard plan, 222 ; para- ! pet, 542. Caerphilly Castle, i. 42, 220. Cairnbulg Castle, description, i. 309; ii. 31. Cakemuir Castle, description, ii. 55. | Cannes, Mont du Chevalier, descrip- j tion, i. 19, 20. Carcassonne, Roman works, i. 3. Cardarroch House, porch, i. 392 ; description, ii. 511. Cardoness Castle, description, i. 243 ; mantelpiece, 308. Carlyle, Thomas, i. 177. Carnarvon Castle, description, i. 41, 42, 220. Carnock Castle, description, ii. 490. j Caroline Park, details, ii. 9 ; corbel- | ling and symmetry, 18; descrip- tion, 453. Castle Campbell, description, i. 202 ; I additions to keep, 223 ; corridor, ! 470. - Dounie, life in, ii. 573. - Fraser, turrets and parapets j of, ii. 3, 11; L plan, 6 ; orna- ment at, 7, 8, 15; not an old keep embellished and height- j ened, 1 5 ; ovoid windows, 200 ; Z plan, 204; description, 226; j lugs, 230, 233. - Hedingham, description, i. 14, 15. - Huntly, description, i. 320. Roy, site, i. 64 ; description, 65; no towers at, 71 ; like Bal- veny Castle, 386. Sinclair. See Girnigoe. Castle Stewart, corbelling at, ii. 3 ; description, 479. Caumont, De, on French Architec- ture, i. 2, 3. Cawdor Castle, iron " yett " from Lochindorb, i. 71 ; turret de- graded, ii. 11 ; description, 314; resemblance to Craigmillar, 31 6. Chalmers, Rev. Peter, History of Dunfermline, i. 51 6. Chambers, Dr. R., on Edinburgh Castle, i. 445, 455, 460 ; restora- tion of Edinburgh Castle, 449. Chambord, Chateau de, i. 53. Chamey Manor House, i. 43. Chaumont, Chateau de, staircase, ii. 352, 353. Clackmannan Tower, compared with French towers, i. 34 ; attic on bat- tlements, 152, 270; description, 178; corbels at, 443. Clark, G. T., on English Castles, i. 2 ? 3, 22 ; on Conisborough Castle, 28. Claypotts Castle, corbelling at, ii. 3, 10; plan of, 5, 15; open bar- tizan, 23 ; Z plan, 204 ; descrip- tion, 208 ; compared with Cluny, 237. Cluny Castle, description, ii. 232; compared with Claypotts, 237. Cochrane, Robert, architect, i. 113, 314. Colchester Castle, i. 11, 12. Collarnie Castle, description, ii. 172. Colleges and Inns of Court, i. 48. Comlongan Castle, description, i. 237 ; plan, 244 ; parapet, 250 ; . covered parapet, 284 ; transition from open to roofed turret, ii. 11; kitchen, 16. Congleton Castle, i. 64. Conisborough Castle, described, i.