Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/605

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ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND 589 INDEX Stoneypath Tower, description of, i. 355. Strathbolgie, primitive fortress,,!. 63. Strongholds on Borders, Act qf Parliament for increase of, ii. 38. Struthers Castle, description, i. 353 ; exchanged for Dunnottar Castle, 564. Summary, ii. 567. TANTALLON CASTLE, like Crichton, Doune, etc., i. 214; courtyard plan, 222, 417 ; parapet with continuous corbel table, 225 ; open timber roof at, 306 ; work at Hermitage Castle resembles, 527 ; description, 429 ; enlarged keep, 523; exception to rule that castles to resist artillery belonged to the Crown, ii. 2 ; large gun-holes, 9 Tarbert Castle, site, i. 64 ; early fortress, 65; description, 136; exceptional, 143. Tattershall Castle, i. 59. Terpersie Castle, plan of, by Bil- lings, ii. 4 ; Z plan, 204 ; de- scription,, 205 ; shot-holes, 209. Theatrum Scotias, ii. 11 6. Threave Castle, description, i. 157 ; cannons used at, 435, 463 ; round towers on enceinte, 483. " Tillietudlem Castle," i. 255. Tilquhilly Castle, rounded angles, etc., ii. 11; description, 292. Tolquhan Castle, Billings compares to French castles, ii. 13, 14; general description, 15 ; figures, 82; pavement in hall, 185; de- scription, 295. Torphichen Church, i. 514. Torthorwald Castle, description, i. 175. Torwoodhead Castle, stair, ii. 68 ; description, l6'2. Towie Castle, description, ii. 94. Towie Barclay, groined vaulting, ii. 9 79; description, 51; en- trance, 53. Traquair Castle, details and orna- ments, ii. 8 ; description, 440 ; old plans, 441. Tullyallan Castle, fireplace at, i. 121 ; exceptional design, 226, 523 ; description, 550 ; resembles Morton Castle, 548, and Rait Castle, 558. Turnberry Castle, primitive fortress, i. 64. Tytler, P. F., historian, i. 303. UDNY CASTLE, outcome of Norman keep, ii. 4 ; description, 43 ; re- semblance to Drum,43,toCraigie- var, 44, and to Crathes, 44. Ulerin Castle. See Blervie. Union, the, effect of, on Architec- ture, ii. 3. Urquhart, primitive fortress, i. 63. VlLLENEUVE-LEZ-AviGNON, i. 121. - Tour du Pont, like Scottish keeps, i. 33, 36. Visigoths, style of building, i. 2. WALLACE, WILLIAM, architect, ii. 525. Warwick Castle, i. 24, 48, 49 ; towers at Craigmillar compared to, 197. Whittinghame Castle, description, i. 300. Williamstoun House, description, ii. 195. Wilson, Professor Daniel, i. 461. Windsor Castle, i. 22 ; underground passages at, 121. Wintoun House, plaster ceilings at.