Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/604

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INDEX 588 CASTELLATED AND DOMESTIC Ruthven Castle, in Badenoch, primitive fortress, i. 63 ; descrip- tion, ii. 4*6$. - (Perthshire), roof on parapet, i. 225 ; additions de- tached from keep, 226, 359 ; fire- place, 308 ; description, 395 ; parapets, ii. 8 ; covered parapets, 1 1 ; wide stair, 320. SANQUHAR CASTLE, description, i. 415. Sauchie Tower, Old, wash-hand basin at, i. 182 ; description, 265 ; stone basin, ii. 24-7. Saxons, wooden buildings of, i. 21, 24. Scalloway Castle, description, ii. 90 ; stair, 257. Scotstarvet, outcome of Norman keep, ii. 4 ; description, 40 ; pro- totypes, Auchenleck, Kinnaird, Mearns and Smailholm, 41 ; resemblance to Coxton, 41. Scott, Sir Walter, Marmion, i. 119 ; " Tillietudlem," 255 ; ii. 231, 572. Scottish Castles, Early, resemblance to French and English castles, i. 21, 33; resemblance to those of France and Germany, ii. 4, 13. Scripture texts, ii. 9- Seton, George, Heraldry of Scot- land, ii. 333. Lord Chancellor, the Life of, ii. 12, 398. Sibbald, Sir Robert, description of Struthers Castle, i. 355. Sieges, artillery in, ii. 1. Skene, Mr., i. viii; ii. 228, 232. Slezer, view of Bothwell Castle, i. 104 ; view of Stirling Castle, 467, 470 ; view of Glamis Castle, ii. 114. Smailholm Tower, description, ii. 35. Somerton Castle, i. 43. Southampton, i. 23. Spedlin's Tower, outcome of Nor- man keep, ii. 4 ; description, 45 ; resemblance to Coxton, 23, and to Hallbar Tower, 49. Spynie, Bishop's Palace, corbels, etc., i. 224 ; description, 439 ; large gun-holes, ii. 9, 209 ; eccle- siastical influence, 9, 59, 209. St. Andre, Chateau de, i. 33, 34, 35 ; resemblance to Dunstaffnage Castle, 92. St. Andrews, primitive fortress, i. 63. - Cathedral, unroofed by Ed- ward i., i. 464. Castle, corridor at, i. 470. St. Giles', Edinburgh, vaulting of, i. 173. St. Margaret's Chapel, Edinburgh Castle, i. 460. Stanley Castle, corbelling, ii. 146. Steiihouse, description, ii. 171. Stirling Castle, primitive fortress, i. 64; courtyard plan, 222, 417; open timber roof, 306 ; descrip- tion, 464 ; work resembles that of Linlithgow Palace, 494, 495, 500 ; work resembles that of Falkland Palace, 504; Renais- sance, approach of, ii. 1 ; early employment of Frenchmen, 14 ; gateway, 15, 296 ; gables, 337. Argyll's Lodging, porch of, i. 393 ; details of, like German work, ii. 13; symmetrical plan, 19; description, 417. Grey Friars' Church, buttresses of, i. 354. Stobhall, porch at, i. 392 ; descrip- tion, ii. 358 ; almonry door, 380. Stokesay Castle, i. 43.