Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/133

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I am too warm: But suppose yourselves in my situation: As ye are stout Knights, would it not move your choler to have your own and the honour of your ancestors called in question?—but to the point. Ye require me to deliver up the Lady Isabella—Sirs, I must ask if ye are authorized to receive her? The Knight nodded. Receive her—continued Manfred; well! you are authorized to receive her—but, gentle Knight, may I ask if you have full powers? The Knight nodded. 'Tis well: Said Manfred: Then hear what I have to offer—ye see, Gentlemen, before you the most unhappy of men! [he began to weep] afford me your compassion; I am intitled to it: Indeed I am. Know, I have lost my only hope, my joy, the support of my house—Conrad died yester morning. The Knights discovered signs of surprise. Yes, Sirs, fate has disposed of my son. Isabella is at liberty—Do you then restore her? cried the chief Knight, breaking silence. Afford me your patience: Said Manfred. I rejoiceto