give him a long life, and give duration to his power and majesty, preserve through the course of time his excellence and his splendour, protect his whole house (lit. the areas inside and outside his house), prostrate all those who envy him, and all his enemies, (by exalting him) as a guide, who justly rules over his creatures, who furthers religion and truth, who fights for the altar and the hearth of the Muslims, and who protects their country against the mischief of evil-doers. And Grod has supported him by giving him a character similar to that with which he has blessed his Prophet, the bearer of his revelation; for he, whose name be praised, has said: "To thee has been given a high character." (Sûra lxviii. 4.) How wonderfully has he, whose name is to be exalted and extolled, combined with the glory of his noble extraction the graces of his generous character, with his valiant soul all laudable qualities, such as piety and righteousness, carefulness in defending and observing the rites of religion, justice and equity, humility and beneficence, firmness and determination, liberality and gentleness, the talent for ruling and governing, for managing and deciding, and other qualities, which no fancy could comprehend, and no human being enumerate! And how should a man wonder at this, it being undeniable that God has the power to combine the whole world in one individual (i.e. to create a microcosmos)! Therefore, may God permit the Muslims still for a long period to enjoy the kindness of his intentions, the ingenuity of his plans, and his evidently merciful and pitiful mind, with which he cares for them! May they from day to day derive more benefits from the perpetual shade of his majesty, to which they are accustomed! And may God assist by his kindness and mercy, high and low, to fulfil the works of obedience towards God, which are imposed upon them!
Dedication.—The Author's Method.— A learned man once asked me regarding the eras used by different nations, and regarding the difference of their roots, i.e. the epochs where they begin, and of their branches, i.e. the months and years, on which they are based; further regarding the causes which led to such difference, and the famous festivals and commemoration-days for certain times and events, and regarding whatever else one nation practises differently from another. He urged me to give an explanation, the clearest possible, of all this, so as to be easily intelligible to the mind of the reader, and to free him from the necessity of wading through widely scattered books, and of consulting their authors. Now I was quite aware that this was a task difficult to handle, an object not easily to be attained or managed by anyone, who wants to treat it as a matter of logical sequence, regarding which the mind of the student is not agitated by doubt. However, from the majesty of our master, the prince, the glorious and victorious, the benefactor, Shams-alma'âlî—may God make his power to endure!—I derived strength in exerting my capabilities, and trying to do my utmost in order to explain the whole subject on the basis of that information which I have gathered either as