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Chap. IV. Siberia 292
I. Siberia, p. 292. Progress of Conquest and Discovery, p. 293. Water Highways, Portages, Highlands, p. 297. River Systems, p. 300. Northern Seaboard, p. 303. Pacific Seaboard: Transbaikalia, p. 304. Climate, p. 305. Flora, p. 310. Fauna, p. 314. Inhabitants: the Chûdes, p. 317. II. The Altaï Highlands, p. 319. Flora and Fauna of the Altaï, p. 323. Inhabitants: the Kalmuks, Tatars, and Russians, p. 324. Topography, p. 327. III. The Ob Basin: Governments of Akmolinsk, Semipalatinsk, Tomsk, Tobolsk, Eastern Districts of the Governments of Perm and Orenburg, p. 329. The Irtish Basin, p. 330. Course of the Ob, p. 334. Inhabitants of the Ob Basin: the Voguls, p. 338. The Ostiaks, p. 340. The Ural Mining Districts, p. 344. Topography of West Siberia, p. 346. IV. Yenesei-Baikal Basin, p. 352. Basin of the Western Yenesei, p. 352. Inhabitants: the Chûdes, p. 355. The Soyots and Karagasses, p. 356. The Tunguses, p. 358. Topography, p. 361. The Baikal-Angara Basin, p. 364. The Tunka Highlands, p. 366. Lake Baikal, p. 368. The Angara Water System, p. 373. Inhabitants: the Buriats, p. 375. Topography, p. 378. V. Basin of the Lena: Shores of the Arctic Ocean, p. 382. The Lena and its Inhabitants, p. 384. The Yana, Kolima, and Indigirka Rivers, the Arctic Islands, New Siberia, p. 388. Inhabitants: the Yakuts, Yukaghirs, and Chuvantzes, p. 393. Topography, p. 398. VI. Bering Peninsula, Basin of the Anadir, and Kamchatka, p. 399. Bering Strait and Sea, p. 402. Fauna and Flora, p. 406. Inhabitants: the Chukchis, p. 408. The Koriaks and Kamehadales, p. 413. VII. The Stanovoi Highlands, Amur Basin, Russian Manchuria, p. 417. The Stanovoi Uplands: the Yablonoi Range, p. 419. The Daûrian Plateau, p. 420. The Amur River System, p. 423. The Sungari and Usuri Rivers, p. 425. The Lower Amur and its Delta, p. 428. The Manchurian Seaboard, p. 431. Climate of Manchuria, p. 432. Manchurian Fauna and Flora, p. 434. Inhabitants: the Golds and other Tungus Tribes, p. 436. The Tazi, Mandzi, Giliaks, and Russians, p. 437. The Kamenshaki, p. 440. Topography, p. 442. VIII. Sakhalin, p. 448. Highlands, p. 452. Climate, Fauna, Flora, p. 453. Inhabitants: the Ainos and Oroks, p. 455. Topography, p. 457. IX. Material Condition and Administration of Siberia, p. 459. Social Elements: the Exiles and Outlaws, p. 459. The Siberian Russians: the Commune, p. 463. Religious Sects: the Stranniki, p. 465. Agriculture, the Chase and Fisheries, p. 465. Mining Industries, p. 467. Manufactures, Trade, p. 469. Highways of Communication, the Trakt, Railway Projects, p. 471. Education, Administration, p. 472. Siberian Political Life, p. 474. Growth of the Russian Empire, p. 475. Merv, p. 478. The Dera-göz, 481. The Akhal Tekke Country, 483. Races of Asiatic Russia grouped according to their Affinities and Religions, p. 485.
Appendix: Statistical Tables 489
Index 497