Page:The earth and its inhabitants .. (IA earthitsinhabita06recl).pdf/13

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1. Hypsographical Map of Asia. Frontispiece. 4. The Delta of the Amu-daria 205
2. Ethnographical Map of the Caucasus 46 5. Ethnographical Map of Northern Asia 303
3. Lakes Balkhash and Issik-kul 191 6. Victoria Bay, or Gulf of Peter the Great 432



Cliffs in the "Yellow Earth," north of Tai-yuen, Shan-si To face page 11 Kirghiz Horsemen To face page 226
The Upper Yang-tse-kiang 13 Kirghiz crossing a River 229
The Darial Defile 42 Tajiks of Bokhara 234
Jews of the Caucasus 56 Colossal Idols, Upper Bamian Valley 245
Patigorsk—View taken from the Mashuka Slopes 73 The Iron Gate Defile on the Karshi-Derbent Route 257
Svan Types 92 Bokhara—Assembly in front of the Mosque 258
Mingrelian Types and Costumes 95 Khiva 265
Georgian Types and Costumes 111 Bukhtarma Valley—Altaï Highlands 319
Imerian Types and Costumes—Group of Dancers 115 Ostiak Types and Costumes 341
Khevsur in Armour 118 Yekaterinburg 348
A Street in Tiflis 124 General View of Tobolsk 350
Armenian Types and Costumes 140 General View of Omsk 351
Town of Girùsi 149 Tungus Types and Costumes 359
Shchovskiy Glacier 173 Irkutsk—View taken before the Fire of 1878 380
Kizil-kum Desert—Dussibai Wells 194 Chukchi Types and Costumes 408
Lake Iskander-kul 202 General view of Petropavlovsk 416
Shores of the Caspian 208 Gold Types and Costumes 436
Turkoman Customs—Pursuit of the Bride 222 Port of Ayan, Sea of Okhotsk 442