Page:The earth and its inhabitants .. (IA earthitsinhabita06recl).pdf/15

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94. Eastern Chains of the Tian-shan 178
95. Routes of Explorers in the Eastern Tian-shan 180
96. Ovis Karelini, Argali, Ovis Poli 181
97. The Aktogoi Defile 183
98. Western Chains of the Tian-shan 186
99. Routes of Explorers in the Western Tian-shan 187
100. Saûru and Tarbagatai 190
101. Vegetation of the Kilil-kum 196
102. Range of Vegetation in Turkestan 197
103. Petrov Glacier 198
104. Lower Part of the Iir-tash Glacier 199
105. The Sir Delta 201
106. Lake Victoria, or Sari-kul 203
107. Map in the Catalonian Atlas of 1375 206
108. Valley of the Uzboi at the Aidin Wells 207
109. The Balkan Gulf 208
110. Inundation of the Oxus in 1878 209
111. The Aral Sea 210
112. Old River Beds of the Aralo-Caspian Basin 211
113. Ak-tau and Mortviy-kultuk 212
114. Entrance to the Kara-boghaz 213
115. The Tuk-karagan Lakes 214
116. Tentiak-sor 215
117. Ogurchinskiy Island 216
118. Kulali Island 217
119. Turkoman Female Head-dress 221
120. Tekke Turkoman Oasis in the Atok 223
121. Area of the Turkoman Raids South of Kizil-arvat 224
122. A Wealthy Kirghiz 227
123. A Kirghiz Woman 228
124. Population of the Ili Basin 232
125. Sarte Type 233
126. Population of Ferghana 234
127. A Tajik Mollah 235
128. Kila-panja, on the Upper Oxus: Forts at the Foot of the Pamir 239
129. East Badakshan 241
130. Badakshan and Kunduz 242
131. Bamian Pass and Kunduz Route 243
132. Ruins of Balkh and Mazar-i sherîf 244
133. Saripul and Shibirkhan Valley 246
134. The Maimene Valley 247
135. Khanates of Afghan Turkestan West of the Oxus 248
136. Merv and Sarakhs Oases 251
137. Ak-tash Valley and Mountain 254
138. Shehr-i-sebs and Karshi 256
139. Bokhara: Ruins in the Interior of the City 259
140. Oasis of Bokhara 260
141. Khiva 261
142. A Minaret in Khiva 262
143. Khiva: Exterior of a Mosque 263
144. Krasnovodsk Bay 264
145. Cheleken Island and Michael Gulf 266
146. Hassan-kaleh Bay 267
147. Ashur-adeh 268
148. Valleys of the Atrek and Gurgen 269
149. Samarkand 270
150. Samarkand: Approach to the Citadel 271
151. Samarkand: The Gur-emir Tomb of Tamerlane 272
152. Varzaminor: Upper Zarafshan Valley 273
153. Oasis of the Zarafshan 275
154. From Kokan to Marghilan 277
155. Khojend: General View 279
156. Khojend and Neighbourhood 280
157. Plain of Tashkend 281
158. A Street in Tashkend 282
159. Kulja and Neighbouring Mines 285
160. Disputed Territory in Kulja 286
161. Chinese Type, Kulja 287
162. Projected Railway Lines in Western Asia 289
163. West Siberia, according to Herberstein 293
164. Sakhalin, according to La Pérouse 295
165. Gulf of Castries: La Pérouse Gate 296
166. Water Highways and Portages across Siberia 298
167. Duration of the Frost and Thaw on the Yenisei and Lena 300
168. Drift Ice on the Banks of the Yenisei 301
169. Shores of the Yenisei worn by Glacial Action 302
170. Banks of the Yenisei: Ice-formed Levee 304
171. Climate of Yakutsh 306
172. Northern Limit of Forest Vegetation 309
173. Trailing Larch 150 Years old: Quarter of the Natural Size 310
174. Larch Forest on the Boganida, a Tributary of the Katanga 312
175. Range of Animal Species in North Asia 313
176. The Chindagûtui, a Tributary of the Irtish, Province of Semipalatinsk 320
177. Lake Telezkoye 321
178. Zmeïnogorsk 328
179. Lake Zaïsan 330
180. The Ust-Kamenogorsk Defile 331
181. Lakes Chany and Sartlam in 1870 332
182. Dried-up Streams in the Barnaûl District 334
183. Projected Canals between the Ob and Yenisei 335
184. Network of Streams at the Ob and Ket Junction 335
185. Lower Course and Mouth of the Ob 337
186. Lakes and Marshes in the Iset Basin 345
187. Yekaterinburg and Berezovskiy 348
188. Upper Yenisei Basin and Minusinsk Steppes 353
189. Rock Inscription on the Banks of the Yenisei 361
190. Region of the Yenisei Gold Mines 362
191. From Krasnoyarsk to Kansk 363
192. The Munku-sardik Group 365
193. Munku-sardik and Kamar-daban 367
194. The "Cup" at the Source of the Oka 368
195. Depths of the Western Baikal 370
196. The Angara below the Padunskiy Rapid 374
197. Rapids of the Angara 375
198. Populations of the Irkustsk Government 381