Page:The earth and its inhabitants .. (IA earthitsinhabita06recl).pdf/16

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fig. page
199. Coast of the Taimir Peninsula 383
200. Old Lake traversed by the Vitim 384
201. Lena Delta 386
202. Archipelago of New Siberia 389
203. Routes of Anjou and Wrangell 390
204. Konyam Bay: the Vega at Anchor 391
205. Yakutsk 397
206. Volcanoes at Cape Povorotnoii, South of Avacha Bay 400
207. Bering Sea 403
208. Bering Strait 404
209. Currents of the Bering Waters 405
210. Avacha Bay 415
211. Plateaux and Highlands of East Siberia 418
212. Lake Khanka 426
213. Isthmus of Kizi 428
214. Mouths of the Amur 429
215. Bay of the Golden Horn 430
216. Bay of Castries 432
217. Harbour of Olga 433
218. Herbaceous Vegetation on the Islands of the Amur 435
219. Blagovypshchensk, on the Amur 444
220. Nikolayevsk 445
221. America Bay 446
222. The Possiet Inlets 447
223. La Pérouse Strait 449
224. Sakhalin: Cape La Jonquière 450
225. Mamia Rinzo Strait 451
226. Sakhalin 453
227. Aino Girl 454
228. Sakhalin: the Dui Valley 456
229. Port of Muraviov 457
230. Density of the Siberian Population 460
231. Produce of East Siberian Sable-hunting from 1850 to 1855 466
232. Gold-washings in the Amur Basin 468
233. Vladivostok and the Eastern Bosporus 473