Page:The first and last journeys of Thoreau - lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscripts 2.djvu/100

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Silene (not sticky) antirrhina.

Rhamnus alnifolius, in swamps and marshes (May 28).

Curled Dock (not uncommon). Mallows (in gardens). Lonicera parviflora (common and in gardens).

Lanceolate Thistle (common). Druba arabisans. Arum triphyllum (common).

Yellow Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium), common in dry rocky woods. Said to be three kinds of C. spectabile.

Veronica arvensis (common); serpyllifolia.

Thyme-leaved Sandwort (Arenaria serpyllifolia), very common everywhere.

Mitella diphylla; nuda (under Arbor vitæ at base of steep bluff Mackinaw).

Two-leaved Solomon’s-seal (common).

Linnæa (common). Large blue Flag (abundant). Comandra (common).

Dandelion (very abundant even throughout woods). Columbine. Plantain.

Cerastium viscosum (common, and perhaps also nutans). Harebell. Cotton-grass.

Cursed Crowfoot (very abundant, especially in one place). Shepherd's Purse.