Page:The first and last journeys of Thoreau - lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscripts 2.djvu/101

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Potentilla anserina, even in high and dry land (common). Sorrel (not prevalent).

Cornus Canadensis, Canada Thistle. Choke-cherry. Red Elder (Mackinaw).

Viola cucullata; yellow. Trientalis. Cowslip, Dogbane, Mouse-ear (all common).

Lousewort Prunella, Pigweed, Sarsaparilla, wild Comfrey, Blue-eyed Grass.

Red Raspberry (not plenty). Senecio vulgaris (by houses). Orobanche (Mackinaw).

Ranunculus abortivus; recuruatus; sceleratus (as above, Cursed Crowfoot) (Mackinaw).

Arbutus Uva-ursi. Alternate Cornel. An Arabis? (yellowish-leafed, in woods).


Arbor vitæ. Balm of Gilead. Beech (inland and elevated), Canoe Birch.

Ash (especially on wooded steeps).

Appletree (fruit very small, yet I saw wild scrubs). Hop Hornbeam.

Fir. Larch. Maple, sugar and white.

Oak, red, and scarlet.

Pinus resinosa (Red pine); White pine