Page:The first report, etc., of the Lichfield Society.djvu/8

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To the Rev. J. S. Butterworth, Honorary Secretary of the Bristol Architectural Society, for a Chart of Ecclesiastical Architecture.

To Richard Greene, Esq., Honorary Secretary of this Society, for his design for a Union Workhouse, and for the wood blocks designed by him, and executed by Mr. O. Jewitt; from which the Members' Meeting cards and seal of the Society are printed.

To the Rev. A. Bloxam, of Twycross, for Three Prints of Churches.

The Architectural Society of Down and Connor and Dremore was received into terms of friendly intercourse with this Society.

The Report of the Committee for the first year was read by the Honorary Secretary, R. Greene. Esq. Upon which, it was unanimously resolved upon the motion of the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Lichfield;—
"That the Report now read be adopted; and that the objects of this Society, as set forth in the Second Rule, being worthy of the encouragement and support of the public, it is desirable that its efforts and operations should be sustained in its infancy; and that Donations be solicited to that effect."

The Chairman delivered an Address upon the occasion of the first Annual Meeting of the Society; and an Address was also delivered by Thomas Johnson, Esq.; both of which are published herewith.

A Paper upon the Sculptures of Gothic Architecture (the Norman period) was read by the Honorary Secretary, Richard Greene, Esq.; and the proceedings of the day were concluded by a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and a resolution that his address, together with the remarks of T. Johnson, Esq., the Report of the Committee, the proceedings of the day, &c., &c., be printed for general circulation.