Page:The first report, etc., of the Lichfield Society.djvu/9

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Annual Report of the Committee


Lichfield Architectural Society,


THE proceedings of this Society during the first year of its existence cannot reasonably be expected to embrace numerousor important subjects of operation, inasmuch as the object of such a Society is more to excite attention to the interesting pursuit of Ecclesiastical Architecture, and to promote a sound knowledge of the principles upon which it is based, than to engage in the actual construction or restoration of Churches; a task far exceeding the limited amount of funds which are available to its use.

But although this Society has (at present) neither erected, nor restored a church, it is by no means assuming too much to say, that it has instigated those who have been engaged in such works to a more deliberate consideration of the modus operandi, than has unfortunately been the case heretofore; and has thus directed the exertions of pious individuals engaged in Ecclesiastical undertakings into a better channel, and prevented the expenditure of their benefactions upon works unsuitable and derogatory to the dignity of God's House, and the character of the Christian religion. Upon this point it is desirable here to remark, that with very rare exceptions it may be admitted as a rule, that a country church may be built with legitimate