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Page:The forme of cury (1780).djvu/63

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For to make gronden Benes[1].

TAKE benes and dry hē ī a noſt[2] or in an Ovene and hulle hē wele and wyndewe[3] out þe hulk and wayſhe hē clene ā do hē to ſeeþ in gode broth[4] ā ete hē wt Bacon.

For to make drawen Benes.

Take benes and ſeeþ h and grynde hem a mor[5] and drawe hem up[6] wt gode broth do Oynos in the broth grete mynced[7] do þ to and col it with Safro and ſerve it forth.

  1. Grōnden Benes. Beans ground (y grōnd, as № 27. 53. 105.) ſtript of their hulls. This was a diſh of the poorer houſeholder, as alſo is 4 and 5, and ſome others.
  2. a noſt. An oſt, or kiln. Vide Gloſſ. voce Oſt.
  3. wyndewe. Winnow.
  4. gode broth. Prepared beforehand.
  5. mort'. Mortar.
  6. drawen hem up. Mix them.
  7. grete mynced. Groſsly, not too ſmall.