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Page:The forme of cury (1780).djvu/64

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For to make grewel forced 11 . hi.

Take grewel and do to the fyre with gode flefsh and feeb it wel. take the lire ‘of Pork and grynd it fmal k and drawe the grewel thurgh a Styno 1 and colo it wip Safron and sue m forth.

Caboches “ in Potage. mi.

Take Caboch and quart he and feeth hem in gode broth with Oynons y mynced and the whyte of Lekes y flyt and corue fmale ° and do b to fafron a fait and force it w powdo douce p .

Rapes i in Potage. v.

Take rapus and make he clene and waifsh lie clene. quare hem r . pboile he. take hem up. call hem in a gode broth and fee]? he. mynce Oynons and call p to

h forced, farced, enriched with flelh. Vide GlolT.

5 lire. Flelh.

k grynd it fraal. Bruife cr beat in a mortar.

1 flyno’. Strainer. m sue. Serve. Vide GlolT. n Caboches. Probably' cabbages.

° corue fmale. Cut fmall. V. i come in Glofl'. p powdo douce. Sweet aromatic powder. V. Pref. q Rapes, or rapus. Turneps.

r quare hem. Cut them in /quarts, or fmall pieces. V. GlolT.
