Indo-Germanic, see Indo-European
Indulgences, 311-13, 323, 440-41, 446, 561-63, 568
Industrial Revolution, 340
Industry, 2, 12; of Roman Empire, 35-36, 67, 71, 73; Byzantine, 149; monastic, 161, 163; Mohammedan, 185-86; early medieval, 192, 237, 327; medieval, chap. xvii , 344, 364-65, 368, 388, 434, 487, 498, 631-32; and see Gilds
Inferno , Dante's, 412-13, 588
Ingeborg of Denmark, 460
Innocent III, Pope, 304, 434-39 , 444-45, 447-67 , 471, 478-79, 488, 493, 502-03
Innocent IV, 323, 470-71
Inquisition, 444, 446-48 , 454, 477, 506, 561; Spanish, 574, 631-32
Insanity, 525-26, 633
Inscriptions, 4, 32, 44
Institutes , of Gaius, 143; of Justinian, 143; of Cassian, 111
Interdict, 438, 441, 454, 458, 464, 546
Interest, attitude toward taking, Roman, 35; medieval, 294, 355
Intermarriage, Germans and Romans, 213, 348; forbidden Jews and Christians, 123; Europeans and Syrians, 320; between royal and feudal houses, 491, 533; of Spanish kingdoms, 630
Interregnum, 470, 537-38
Invasions, see Germans, Nomads, Franks, Alamanni, Burgundians, Goths, Lombards, Anglo-Saxons, Bulgars, Avars, Arabs, Northmen, Magyars, Slavs, Almohades, Almoravides, Moors, Mongols, Turks, French invasions of Italy, etc.
Inventions, 324, 375, 388, 587, 606
Investiture struggle, 283-87 , 289, 291-93 , 300, 305, 341, 346, 471
Iona, 166-67, 220
Ireland, 40, 111-12, 164-70 , 220, 225, 261, 276, 278, 376, 398, 401, 434, 487
Irish Channel, 223
Irene, Byzantine Empress, 207
Irnerius, 377
Iron age, 4, 42
Iron-clad wagons, 570
Isabella, Queen of Castile, 574, 630-33 , 640
Isaurians, 79, 86-87, 128
Isidore of Seville, 125, 127, 211, 373
Isis, 63
Islam, chap. x , 216, 302, 309, 320, 324, 550, 554; and see Mohammedanism, Moslems
Israel, Children of, 322
Istria, 342
Italian Lakes, 542
Italian language, 260, 399, 411, 562, 588
Italian literature, 405, 410-15 , 586-88, 593-94 , 596
Italian Renaissance, 210, 423, 432, 574, chaps. xxxi, xxxii , 633, 639
Italy, 11, 15, 19; ancient, 23-24, 26-28, 33, 36, 53-54, 60-61, 67-68, 72; during the invasions, 78-81, 85-87, 90, 96, 109, 111; early medieval, chap. vii , 128, 133, 136-40, 146-47, 150, 154-57, 166, 169-71, 180, 192, 194-98, 208, 210, 212-13, 222, 226-27; feudal, 260-63, 265, 271, 279-80, 292, 295, 305, 310; rise of cities, 313, 318-19, 322, 324-25, 331, 335-36, 339-40, chap. xviii , 357, 362, 365-66, 369; medieval culture of, 374, 376-77, 389-90, 395, 401, 405, 410, 423, 431-32; in thirteenth century, 434, 450, 461-64, 467-68, 470-72, 482-83, 503; in fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 505-06, 515, 532, 538, 540-41, 560-61, 565-68, 573-74, chap. xxxi , 599, 601-02, 604-05, 614, 622, 632, 633-38 , 640
Italy, central, 155, 196, 213, 227, 351, 421, 448, 461-63, 605
Italy, northern, 3-4, 42, 136, 170, 197, 213, 283, 289, 314, 341-42, 349-50, 352-53, 377, 399, 421, 580, 605, 637-38
Italy, southern, 10, 20, 23, 60, 81, 138, 155; Byzantine, 196, 209, 265, 327; Lombard, 196; Saracen, 216, 226-27; Norman, 225-26, 287, 289, 291, 301-02, 314, 343, 350, 377; Hohenstaufen, 461-63, 466-67, 469; Angevin, 471, 497
Itinerant justices, 475-76, 492
Ivan III of Russia, 544, 551
Ivory carvings, 147
Jacobite Church, 184
Jacquerie , 521, 524
Jagello, 552-53
Jagellons, dynasty of, 552-53
Jails, Mohammedan, 185; and see Imprisonment
James I, King of Aragon, 304
Janizaries, 554
Japan, 183
Java, 393
Jean de Meun, 408
Jeanne d'Arc, see Joan of Arc
Jenghiz Khan, 548
Jerome, St., 11-13, 154, *57
Jerome of Prague, 568-69
Jerusalem, 103, 106, 150, 152, 156,