177, 180, 190, 301, 311, 318-23, 413, 440, 466, 469; Kingdom of, 318-20, 322, 467
Jesters, 562
Jesus Christ, 14, chap. vi , 125, 175, 195, 209, 296, 299, 311, 313, 316, 318, 380, 413, 439, 442, 447-48, 517, 561, 569, 572; Order of, 608
Jews, 97-98, 103, 123-24, 158; in Mohammedan world, 174, 176, 184, 186; in Western Christendom, 123-24, 178, 195, 325, 355, 358, 370, 372, 485, 494, 500, 560, 632; in eastern Russia, 230; and see Judaism
Joan of Arc, 336, 528-29 , 531
Joanna I, Queen of Naples, 586
Joanna II, 586
Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, 633-34
Jobst, imperial claimant, 539
John X, Pope, 227
John XXII, 561
John XXIII, 567-68, 572, 604
John, King of England, 444, 457-60 , 466, 479-81 , 487-88, 493-94, 509, 519, 562-64
John II, or the Good, King of France, 511, 517, 519, 522, 525
John II, King of Aragon, 586
John II, King of Portugal, 609, 632-33
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, 526
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, 523, 525, 563, 628
John of Cappadocia, 129, 132
John of Ireland, or Erigena, 211, 373-74
John of Monte Corvino, 394
John of Plano Carpini, 393
John, see Hunyadi, Huss, Wyclif, etc.
John, Gospel of , 107 note
Jonas, the monk, 159
Jordanes, 119, 127
Journeyman, 331-32
Jousts, 252
Jubilee, 504, 561
Judaism, 98, 103, 172, 175; and see Jews
Judas, 413
Juliers, 88
Julius II, Pope, 607, 634, 636-37
Julius Cæsar, see Cæsar
Julius Firmicus Maternus, see Firmicus
Jupiter, priest of, 4
Jura Mountains, 12, 17, 542
Jurists, Roman, 30-31; medieval, 434
Jury, trial by, 206, 477-78 ; 627, 629
Just price, 332-33: and see Prices
Justiciar, 458
Justin, 128, 131, 133
Justinian, chap. viii , 155, 178, 190, 206, 260, 342, 377, 413, 589
Jutes, 85, 118, 164
Juvenal, 39, 66, 99
Kaaba , 174, 176
Kalmar Union, 547
Karakorum, 393
Keep, of castle, 247
Kent, 164, 167, 169, 220-21
Khalid, 176
Khan (or, Khagan), 57-58, 393, 548-51
Khazars, 230
Kiev, 224, 230, 344, 549
King of the Romans, 615
Kings, 49, 120; Frankish, 192, 194, 202-07; Anglo-Saxon, 221-22; in feudal period, 256, 259; and papacy, 287, 455-63, 466; their anger, 349; and communes in France, 361, 363; and universities, 391; Norman and Angevin, 459; French, 401; Scandinavian, 546-47, 577; and see Absolutism, Government, Royal
King's Bench, Court of, 476
Kinship, in ancient city, 24; among early Germans, 47
Knighthood, 251-52 , 297, 303, 308, 312, 324 , 347, 349, 514; German, 534, 539, 591
Knight service, 242, 257, 277
Knights of the Round Table, 406
Knights of the shire, 477-78, 482-84, 486, 488, 501; and see Dobrzin, Golden Fleece, Hospitalers, Robber Knights, Templars, Teutonic Knights, etc.
Koran , 172-73 , 181, 191, 320
Korea, 183
Kosovo, 556
Kublai Khan, 550
Kumanians, 548-49
Laborers, Statute of, 518, 523-24
Labrador, 223
Laconia, 151
Ladislas I, Posthumous, King of Bohemia and Hungary, 571, 615
Ladislas II, 571, 615
Lady Chapels, 430
Laity, demand a greater share in the Church, 562, 569
Lake-dwellers, 3-4
Lambert of Hersfeld, 376
Lancaster, House of, 525, 531, 618, 627-29
Lancelot Malocello, 394
Lancet windows, 431