Page:The history of medieval Europe.djvu/724

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  • Leonardo of Pisa, 386; and see Vinci, Leonardo da
  • Lepers, 449~50, 495
  • Les villes neuves, 363-64
  • Lesser Armenia, see Armenia
  • Letters of, Cassiodorus, 119, 124; Gregory the Great, 155; Gregory VII, 289; Psellus, 309; crusaders, 310; Gerbert, 375; Innocent III, 434, 454; Asiatic travelers, 550; Petrarch, 588, 596; and see Paston Letters
  • Letters of credit, 325, 355
  • Letts, 139, 532, 544
  • Levant, 401
  • Libraries, largest ancient, 22; monastic, 125, 163, 167, 375; Arabian, 182, 188-89; early medieval, 381; university, 391; Charles the Wise's, 521; Vatican, 574; effect of printing on, 594
  • Libyans, 79; and see Berbers, Moors
  • Liège, 270, 618; bishopric of, 365, 524, 618
  • Lille, 365
  • Limburg, Duchy of, 616
  • Limoges, 218, 366
  • Limousin, 272, 510
  • Lincoln, Abraham, 16
  • Lincoln Cathedral, 432
  • Lindisfarne, 166-67
  • Lippi, Fra Lippo, 598
  • Lisbon, 188, 366, 394, 610-11
  • Literary criticism, 590
  • Literature, 16; Arabian, 182; of feudalism, 251, 253, 327-28; and pope, 288; and crusades, 310; and towns, 328, 337, 364, 367, 37i; medieval, 325, chap. xxi, 434, 475, 515, 521,586; Renaissance, 576, 611, 626, 634; and see Greek, Latin, Patristic, Anglo-Saxon, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Provencal, etc.
  • Lithuania, 139, 544-46, 551-53, 568
  • Little Armenia, see Armenia
  • Liturgy, 374
  • Liutprand, King of the Lombards, 196-97
  • Liutprand, historian, 375
  • Liverpool, 220
  • Lives of Illustrious Men, 38, 597
  • Lives of the Painters, 597
  • Lives of the Saints, 109, 113, 116, 159, 170, 409, 432, 563
  • Lives of the Twelve Cæsars, 39
  • Livonia, 184, 544
  • Local government, Frankish, 203, 219; Anglo-Saxon, 221-22, 474; English, 476-78, 516; French, 490, 627; German, 533-36; Spanish, 631-32

  • Loches, 624
  • Lodi, 352
  • Logic, 22, 124-25, 379-80, 393, 592
  • Loire River, 12, 17, 85, 88, 90, 198, 271,273-74, 358, 372, 401, 408, 494, 517, 527
  • Lollards, 564-65
  • Lollianus, 70
  • Lombard communes, 346-56, 368, 468-70, 473
  • Lombard League, 352~53, 362, 461, 469-70
  • Lombard, Peter, see Peter
  • Lombard Street, 355
  • Lombards, 118, 122, 136, 140, 150, 154-57, 159-60, 169-70, 192, 195-97, 199-200, 207-08, 212, 226, 240, 260, 265, 341, 348, 375, 471, 633; as bankers, 355, 500
  • Lombardy, 170-71, 213, 227, 341, 349-50, 353-54, 375, 442, 464, 468, 605
  • London, 220, 276, 355, 367-68, 482, 517, 523, 543, 562
  • Long bow, 514
  • Lordship, theories of, feudal, 259; Wyclif's, 563
  • Lords, House of, 484-86, 501, 522
  • Lord's Prayer, 387
  • Lord's Supper, 569; and see Mass
  • Lorraine, 213, 262, 270, 314, 508, 528, 538, 620-21, 625
  • Lorris, 372, 408
  • Lot, election by, 585
  • Lotario de Segni, see Innocent III, Pope
  • Lothair, Frankish Emperor, 204, 212-13
  • Lotharingia, 213, 262
  • Louis, or Clovis, 90; and see Clovis
  • Louis the Pious, 204, 209-10, 212, 280
  • Louis the German, King of the East Franks, 212-13
  • Louis II, Frankish Emperor in Italy, 227, 261
  • Louis the Child, King of the East Franks, 227, 262
  • Louis V, last reigning Carolingian, 266
  • Louis VI, or the Fat, King of France, 267-68, 274, 360-61, 491-92, 494
  • Louis VII, King of France, 278, 297, 320, 352, 492-94
  • Louis VIII, 445, 494-95
  • Louis IX, or Saint, 322, 445, 495-500, 507, 510
  • Louis X, 502, 517
  • Louis XI, 511, 614, 618-21, 623-27, 629, 634, 640
  • Louis XII, 634, 636-37
  • Louis IV, of Bavaria, Holy Roman Emperor, 539-40, 561, 575