Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/25

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CONTENTS. XXI Chapter XIII. — continued. The slioal protecting Fort Coiistaiitine, ..... 355 Point at which a ship of the line coukl aiiproach to within 800 yards of the fort, ........ 357 Tasks assigned to the in-shore squadron, .... 357 Its advantage over the main division, .... 359 Advance of the in-shore squadron, ..... 359 The paper of instructions issued by Dundas, .... 360 Signal from the Britannia, ....... 361 The Agamemnon passing the Sanspareil, . . . 362 Shots exchanged with the cliff batteries, .... 362 Service rendered by Mr Ball to the Agamemnon, . . . 363 The Agamemnon anclioring and engaging Fort Constantine, . 364 Her advantageous position, ....... 364 Position taken up by the Sanspareil, ..... 365 By the London, ......... 365 Except for Agamemnon, no good berth over the reef, . . 366 The steamships kept under way, ...... 366 Explosion on Fort Constantine, ...... 366 Havoc wrought amongst the upper-tier batteries of Fort Con- stantine, .......... 366 These abandoned by the Russians, ...... 367 Limit of the power that ships had over Fort Constantine, . 367 Arethusa and Albion engaged with the cliff batteries, . .367 Line now formed by the in-shore squadron, .... 368 The main division, ........ 368 Combined array formed by the French and English tleets, . 369 The aspect of the Allied line of battle, ..... 370 Place of the Britannia in the Allied line of battle, . . . 371 Part taken by the main division, . . . . . .371 2.45. Nearly the whole of the Allied tieet now engaged, . 373 The great cannonade it delivered, ...... 373 With but few guns opposed to it, . . . . . .373 But still proving almost in vain, ...... 373 Ships of the main division, ....... 374 Continuation of the engagement commenced by the in-shore squadron, .......... 375 Ships combating with the Telegraph Battery and the Wasp Tower, .......... 375 The Arethusa, 376