Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/26

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XXll CONTENTS. Chapter XIII. — continued. Lyons, off, slioie The Albion Disabled state of Aretbiisa and Albion, . Engagement of the London Mith the Telegraph Battery, Its result, . . , . .... The Sanspareil, Her losses, ........ Comparative impunity enjoyed for a time by the Agamemnon, Subsequent change in this respect, . Persistence of Lyons, ..... His measures for obtaining reinforcements. The effect of his measures, .... Reinforcements from cj^uarters not specially appealed to by The Bellerophon. Lord George Paulet, The Queen, The liodnej', The Rodney aground, The position of the Rodney, .... Her engagement with Fort Constantine, . The Agamemnon, Sanspareil, and London uoav hauling Summary of what had been effected by Lyons with hisiu- Sfpiadron, . . . . Resistless power of the cliff batteries as against .ships, The Rodney left alone on the shoal. The temper and spirit of her men, . Fire concentrated upon her .... Its ellect, ....... The Heets hauling off, ..... The Rodney still aground on the shoal, . Measures taken for moving her. And at length with success, .... The steadiness of her crew from first to last, . Havoc done on board her, .... The results of this naval attack on Sebasto[>ol, And causes of its failure, .... Admiral Hamelin not responsible, . Admiral Dundas, ...... Sir Edmund Lyons, ..... The praises sliowered upon liim at the time, . The credit really due to him. Lessons taught by this naval attack,