Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/31

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CONTENTS. XXV CnAPTER VI. — continued. The band of English directly confronted and attacked liy tlio Russians, ..... " . . . . 267 Dr Wolseley's charge, ........ 268 The double peril to which the colours were now exposed, . 271 ])urnaby and his men interposing themselves, . . . 271 Their service as a combating rear-guard, .... 271 Opportune advance of the French 6th of the lane, . . . 277 Retreat of the Okliotsk battalions, 278 Extrication of P.urnaby and his men, ..... 278 Success of his rear-guard operations, ..... 279 Complete extrication of the 150 English who had been sur- rounded by the enemy, ....... 280 Anxiety suffered by the Duke of Cambridge, .... 280 His joy upon the return of the men with the colours, . . 281 XV. Continued retreat of the Okhotsk columns, Other Russians still showing a front, Hesitation of the French 6th of the Line, Captain Armstrong's exertions, Recapture of the Sandbag Battery, . Continued advance of the French 6th of the Line, Meeting between General Bourbaki and Colonel Horsford 282 282 282 282 283 283 283 XVL Retrospect of the fights on the Kitspur, Their results, ..... 284 285 XVII. The centre, 286 Pennefather's method of defending it, . . . . .287 Mauleverer's wing of the 30th Regiment, .... 287 Its protracted resistance to the enemy's advancing columns, . 287 The 30th men at length pressed back to the crestwork, . . 289 The moments of rest they there found, 289