Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/32

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XXVI CONTENTS. Chapter YT. — contiivued. Contimied advanco of the Iak(nitsk column, .... 290 Till attacked and defeated by a wing of Horsford's Rifle bat- talion 290 lluine's wing of the 95t]i thrown forwaid towards the l)arrier, 291 Ooluiini torn and driven back by some of Turner's guns, . 292 A Hussian column on the crest of Home Kidge, . . , 292 V>t charged and driven Ijaek by the men of the 30th, . 292 Scantiness of the English forces iu front of their centre, . . 292 The mist, 292 Ceneral Pennefather, 293 The ' Gap ' left open, 296 And not closed by Colonel Upton's manoeuvre, . . . 296 Illusion created by the stubbornness of the fight at the Barrier, 297 XVIII. The united line foraied by the 63d regiment and the right wingof the 21st, 298 The guns this line had to support, ...... 298 The enemy assailing the left of Pennefather's main artillery line, and already gaiiung the crest, ..... 298 Pennefather's address to the 63d regiment, .... 298 Attack delivered by the 600 men of the 21st and 63d regi- ments, 299 Position in which they halted when they stayed their pursuit, 299 XIX. The enemy's undertaking to attack the right of Home Ridge, . 299 To be met by near 400 fresh troops under General Gohlie, . 300 Combat fought by Colonel Horn and liis wing of the 20th, . 300 Combat fought by the 57th, 304 Result of this Russian attack against the right of Home Ridge, 305 XX. The result of the eonflicts which took jilaco during the Second Period 306