Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/423

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APPENDIX. 393 Sublime Porte is in actual existence equally between Eus'^ia on the one side, and France and Great Britain on tliu other. This change which has taken place in the attitude of two of the Powers represented at the Conference of Vienna, in consequence of a step taken directly by France and Eng- land, supported by Austria and Prussia as being founded in right, has been considered by the liepresentatives of Austria and Prussia as involving the necessity of a fresh declara- tion of the union of the four Powers upon the ground of the principles laid down in the Protocols of December />, 1853, and January 13, 1854. In consequence, the undersigned have at this solemn moment declared that their Governments remain united in the double object of maintaining the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire, of which the fact of the evacuation of the Danubian Principalities is and Avill remain one of the essential conditions ; and of consolidating in an interest so much in conformity with the sentiments of the Sultan, and by every means compatible with his independence and sovereignty, the civil and rehgious rights of the Christian subjects of the Porte. The territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire is and remains the nine qua non condition of every transaction liaving for its object the re-establishment of peace betAveen the belligerent Powers ; and the Governments represented by the undersigned engage to endeavour in common to dis- cover the guarantees most likely to attach the existence of that Empire to the general equilibrium of Europe ; as they also declare themselves ready to deliberate and to come to an understanding as to the employment of the means calcu- lated to accomplish the object of their agreement. Whatever event may arise in consequence of this agree- ment, founded solely upon the general interests of Europe, and of which the object can only be attained by the return