Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/26

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regarding the absurdity of his position, still retail his shallow philosophy of fine phrases?”

Alas! shame and woe! Did I not give you of my best, and gratis? I awakened hopes in the advent of a new life. Is that a sham? I awakened faith that from the new life a new world, bringing salvation,would be born. Is that a worthless thing? I beat upon the gates and enkindled lights. In vain. Deafness and gloom prevail. I hoped and taught others to hope. I believed and urged others to believe. I loved and enjoined others to love. Alas! it was useless. Now there is nothing left. No, now even I myself neither hope nor believe nor love anything.

[A feeble rumbling.

Oh, would that this city had collapsed last night, when all the seams of earth and heaven were ripped open amid turmoil! Oh, this ill-fated soil, permeated with so much blood and so many sighs, which the ages and generation after generation have poured upon it! (Threateningly.) Delusive city, bloated with the thoughts which you have stifled! You graveyard of hopes! Youth grows up from you like a poisoned blossom. Ah! far, far hence! Ah! a new life and a new world! Oh, cruel city! Oh, evil, pitiless youth!

[Exit. From the other side The Lover and The Beloved.]

The Beloved:

Why did that old man threaten us so? Here are evil people.

The Lover:

They begrudge us our happiness. How can a man be happy who does not love——

The Beloved:

—and is not loved?