Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/27

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The Lover:

Oh, my love, love of my soul, breath of my heart! what do I care for the world when your eyes love me?

The Beloved:

My world, that is you.

The Lover:

And you are the soul of my life. When last night it seemed that the end of the world was approaching with din and turmoil, I though only of you. Only for you was I afraid. I yearned only to be able to protect you, or to die in your embrace.

The Beloved:

I, too, thought only of you. It seemed as if the earth were bursting and the whole universe were falling to pieces. I said to myself: Protect us, God; let us meet again while we are still alive. Or, if I am to die here alone, permit our souls to meet again on some blue or pink star!

The Lover:

Oh, my darling! But we have not died. The city and the people are all alive, and everything is the same as it was yesterday. I should like to be with you far away from here; I should like to be with you on a new earth, where there are no people, only we two with our love, in a new paradise, far from this city and the people, only we two, happy and alone.

The Beloved (in his embrace):

Dearest, how happy I should be with you far, far from here.

[Enter Zealot.