Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/28

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Ha! shame upon you—shame upon you, city full of lewdness and mischief! Woe unto you, unclean streets, cross-roads of sin and marts of transgression! Oh, whore of Babylon! God’s countenance is bowed above your roofs that it may judge you.

[The Crowd assembles.


Ungodly people, wallowing in the slough of your countless sins, the measure of your drunkenness, lewdness, selfishness, profiteering, pillage and hatred is brim-full. Lo, the God of Hosts has raised His right hand in righteous menace and this night proclaimed unto you the hour of destruction.

Woman from the Crowd:

In the name of God’s martyrdom, what is coming upon us? What happened in the night?

Man from The Crowd:

What’s he talking about? The night has passed and nothing so dreadful has happened. The sun shines or not, just as yesterday, and people are alive or not, just as yesterday.


The Lord of Hosts has raised His right hand in righteous menace. The very air was in turmoil and the earth cracked to its bones, for beneath the wrathful finger of God the gates of hell were half opened to engulf you!

Second Woman from the Crowd:

O God, what will happen to us?