Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/64

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The Stripling:

There’s only one other thing I ought to have, and that’s a proper rifle that shoots.

Preris (alone):

Ah, the Land of Hopes! The Land of Hopes!

[Enter Lover with Beloved. The scene changes. The shining image of a pink star bursts into light.)

The Beloved:

Ah, my dearest! I am looking forward to it so much.

The Lover:

Yes, we are going. We are going there; we shall fly away like birds on the wing. They say that this new land is the most beautiful of all. They also call it the Star of Love.

The Beloved:

The Star of Love! That is a beautiful name. There will be no bad people there, will there? Love will be our lot there——

The Lover:

And we shall be like a new Adam and Eve in a new paradise. I shall work. Life there will be different—better than here in the old world. The people there will be only good and happy, on the Star of Love——

Pieris (stretching out his hands towards them):

Take me with you. I will go with you.