Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/65

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The Beloved (askance):

With us? We are all in all to each other.

The Lover (with the same gesture):

We need nobody. The old fool!

[Exeunt both. The star fades.

Pieris (in bitter perplexity):

No, I am not a fool. I am old, but I am not a fool—surely I am not a fool.


The scene is changed by the projected image of bare highways. The star bursts into a yellowish light. Enter a tattered and curly-haired man of somewhat southern appearance, encumbered with a knapsack. He is closely followed by a woman pushing a child’s pram filled with paltry chattels. She carries a child on her back. A second child follows whimpering.

The Man in a Hurry:

Good God! good God! Confound it! Hurry up a little! Do look sharp! Come along quicker!

The Wife of the Man in a Hurry:

I can’t go any quicker than that.

The Man in a Hurry:

My God! my God! what a cursed burden, a wife and children like that! At this rate we’ll never reach the New Land. Everybody else will be there before us, and then there’ll be nothing left for us.