Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/66

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The Wife of the Man in a Hurry:

I can’t keep up; we can’t keep up—the children——

The Man in a Hurry:

Come, come, move yourself quicker—move yourself, or I’ll leave you here. Why should I dawdle about with you? Oh, my God! Confound it all! Then you stay here on the way, and I’ll go on alone and leave you here, you and these brats. You go there by yourselves. I don’t care a rap about you.

The Wife of the Man in a Hurry:

We’re coming—we’re coming. Oh, dear me, but the children, and I can’t go any farther—we can’t go any farther—we can’t keep up—we can’t keep up——

[Exeunt all.

Around the star there later appear inscriptions:

The new continent!
Do you want to go to the Land of Hopes?

Buy the Dollarson shares!

The star then bursts into increasingly golden, orange light.

[The blow of a drum and a gong. Enter two Sandwichmen with the same poster, and stand one on each side of a gateway.]