Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/69

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The Dollarson Joint Stock Transit Company takes charge of transport traffic on its own boats and lines. A huge influx of tourists is under way. To meet this demand the Dollarson Joint Stock Hotel Company is building on the New Land first-class and also popular hotels, provided with modern comfort, bathrooms, cafés, cabarets, concerts, casinos, dancing-halls and playing-fields.

Second Sandwichman:

Buy shares of the Dollarson Transit Company.

First Sandwichman:

Buy shares of the Dollarson Hotel Company.


Motor-buses, charabancs, horse and mule caravans, motor-boats and palanquins provide traffic facilities on the coast and in the interior.

First Sandwichman:

Buy shares in the Dollarson Traffic Association.

Dollarson will earn huge profits for you.


The brainy man does not allow events to take him by surprise, but has the knack of taking advantage of them in good time. Join in with your capital. Most advantageous investment for savings. Highest interest, splendid dividends. It would be the devil’s own job to stop you and me from getting rich.

Second Sandwichman:

Join in! The Dollarson shares are now issued.

Don’t delay, but subscribe now.