Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/70

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The man with his wits about him foresees, uses his judgment, and watches over his success. We are faced by far-reaching problems of colonisation. Remember the emigrants. Watch over your fellow-countrymen in a foreign clime. Who will lend the colonists the necessary money, the same to be repaid in fixed instalments? Who will advance money for building houses, for implements and for the supply of cattle?

First Sandwichman:

The Dollarson Colonisation Bank of the New Hope.

Second Sandwichman:

Subscribe while there is still time.


This bank solves all problems of colonisation on both sides—for the needy emigrants, to whom it secures the requisite advances, and for those who desire by means of their capital to share advantageously in the labour of emigrants.

Second Sandwichman:

Emigrants, apply in all confidence to the Dollarson Colonisation Bureau——

First Sandwichman:

Capitalists, become shareholders in the Dollarson Colonisation Bank.


These bureaus will occupy the whole street. We shall open them very shortly; their inauguration will be proclaimed by a solemn salute of guns. Do not