obliterate the successes of the past, when pioneer workers, catching the vision, struggled through the darkness of half-awakened public opinion and laid the foundation stones upon which we to-day are building. The American Civic Association was a result of a realization that size in the building of our cities, without coördination, in a spirit of beauty and usefulness, was a menace rather than an asset. Among the subjects seriously studied and intelligently dealt with by this association since it was organized more than a dozen years ago are the community drama, the use of the schools as Community Centers, government city planning and park development, billboard and noise nuisance, good roads, country architecture, national parks and better homes for wage earners. The contribution of this association to the general welfare of the country cannot be overestimated, and to those specifically interested in these and other civic questions its work is cordially commended, for President Wilson has said, "War must not destroy our civic efficiency." The organization