has headquarters at Washington, D. C. The National Community Center Association concerns itself, as its name implies, with the problems of community organization, and is doing a splendid work. The national headquarters are at 123 Madison Street, Chicago. The National Playground-Recreation Association of America has done such broadly valuable work that its activities have been linked up with the Commission on Training Camp Activities, in connection with which it is doing much constructive war work. These and other organizations have been too conspicuously successful not to be mentioned here, and each of them has immediately before it a much wider field of usefulness than it has enjoyed before.
In anything like a summing up of the debt the Community Center Movement owes to the past, the work of the settlement must be mentioned, for it has a distinct place in the Community Center Movement. In fact, every settlement in America, as it has sought to bridge the gulf between the plain man and the expert worker, has shortened the distance to the ulti-