Dhdtri arishta* or fermented liquor of emblic myrobalan. Take the fresh juice of two thousand emblic myrobalans, honey in quantity equal to one-eighth of the juice, powdered long pepper sixteen tols, sugar six seers and a quarter; mix them together, boil for a while and leave the mixture to ferment in an earthen jar. This liquor is used in jaundice, dyspepsia, indigestion^ cough, etc.
Sans, wsrem, Jayapdla. ^fWfi^, KanakapJiala
Vern. Jaypdl, Beng. Jamdlgotd, Hind.
THE seeds of Croton Tiglium are considered heating, drastic, and useful in fever, constipation, intestinal worms, enlargements of the abdominal viscera, ascites, anasarca, etc. They are boiled in milk and their outer skin and embryo are removed before being used internally. Croton oil is not mentioned by any Sanskrit writer and was unknown to the ancient Hindus. Croton seeds enter into the composition of a great many medicines for the diseases mentioned above. The following are a few illustrations.
Ichchhdvedivatikd. 2 Take of mercury, sulphur, borax and black pepper, one part each, ginger three parts, croton seeds nine parts ; rub them together with water and make into two-grain pills. These are given in fever with constipation as also in ascites and anasarca.
Rukkesa rasa.% Take of chebulic myrobalan five parts, croton