Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/263

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thing have We created bound by a fixed degree;"[1] again, "With Him everything is regulated according to a determined measure."[2] Further, He says, "No accident happened in the earth, nor in your persons, but the same was entered in the Book verily it is easy with God."[3] There may be quoted many other verses on this subject. Now, as to the verses which say that man can acquire deeds by free will, and that things are only possible and not necessary, the following may be quoted: "Or He destroys them (by ship-wreck), because of that which their crew have merited; though He pardons many things."[4] And again, "Whatever misfortune befalleth you is sent you by God, for that which your hands have deserved."[5] Further, He says, "But they who commit evil, equal thereunto."[6] Again, He says, "It shall have the good which it gaineth, and it shall have the evil which it gaineth,"[7] and,

  1. Quran LIVI 49.
  2. Quran XIII, 9.
  3. Quran LVII, 22.
  4. Quran XLII, 32.
  5. Quran XLII, 32.
  6. Quran X, 28.
  7. Quran II, 278.