Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/264

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"And as to Thamud, We directed them, but they loved blindness better than the true directions."[1] Sometimes contradiction appears even in a single verse of the Quran. For instance, He says, "After a misfortune hath befallen you (you had already attained two equal advantages), do you say, whence cometh this? Answer, This is from yourselves."[2] In the next verse, He says, "And what happenth unto you, on the day whereon the two armies met, was certainly by permission of the Lord."[3] Of this kind also is the verse, "Whatever good befalleth thee, O man, it is from God; and whatever evil befalleth thee, it is from thyself;"[4] while the preceding verse says, "All is from God."[5]

Such is also the case with the Traditions. The Prophet says, "Every child is born in the true religion; his parents afterwards turn him into a Jew or a Christian." On another occasion he said, "The follow-

  1. Quran XLI, 16.
  2. Quarn III, 159.
  3. Quran III, 160.
  4. Quran IV, 81.
  5. Quran IV, 80.