Page:The silent prince - a story of the Netherlands (IA cu31924008716957).pdf/166

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for this visit. Madam will be so good as to follow me."

Taking a lighted candle the priest led the way through the chapel, then down a flight of stairs, through devious dimly lighted passages until the cell of Dr. Chenoweth was reached. Unlocking the door he set the candle down on a stone table and withdrew, bolting the door after him. He paused a moment outside.

My love! My love!" sounded a woman's voice, in such sweet tones of passionate longing that it wrung his heart, not with rapture, but with the pang of unrequited affection. The priest fled precipitately, nor paused until he had reached the chapel and cast himself on his knees before the crucifix, to wrestle in bitter anguish of soul.

“Agatha, my precious wife!" said Dr. Chenoweth.

Bright grew the darkness around them, lighted by the unquenchable fire of human affection. They were together. All else for the time being was forgotten. The doctor was the first to rouse himself from this blissful reality. “The moments are flying, my wife, and I have much to say to you. God helping our endeavors, I expect to escape tonight.”

“To-night?” echoed his wife, in joyous tones.

“Yes, my love. The under-jailer, a secret follower of the Reformed religion, is going to assist