Page:The silent prince - a story of the Netherlands (IA cu31924008716957).pdf/167

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me to escape, and will accompany me to Germany, where we hope to be able to assist the Prince of Orange in his preparations to defend the Netherlands. After my departure my family will be in great danger. You must leave Antwerp to-night.”

“That matter is all arranged, John. Nicholas Mander has agreed to escort us to Friesland, where Lysken's brother lives. Lysken assures me that he will gladly give us shelter for a time. You can safely trust us to the care of Nicholas Mander. He is thoroughly devoted to your interests. Conrad will try and rescue Hilvardine Van Straalen from the hands of the Inquisition, and at the same time he will be loyal to the interests of the Prince. From his post in Brussels he may be able to give the exiled William much valuable information regarding the situation of affairs.”

“A great weight is removed by your words, Agatha. Friesland is the nearest point to Germany, and I can send letters to you quite easily. There is comparatively little danger to be encountered in travelling from one end of the Netherlands to the other. Only the seaports are guarded. You must be well on your journey before sunrise. Now, my beloved wife, let us commit ourselves and our interests to God's care.” They both knelt with clasped hands, while the doctor uttered a simple but earnest petition.