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[A.D. 1284

And there shall be a Writ Close, by the Command of the Justice, to be directed to the Sheriffs in this Form:

The King, to the Sheriff, Greeting. We command you that you cause to come before our Justice at certain days and places which he shall make known unto you, all the Assizes of Novel Disseisin and Mortdancester arraigned before the said Justice by our Writs, together with the original Writs, Attachments, and all other Proceedings concerning the said Assizes; and this Writ. Dated &c. And the Form of the Writ shall be changed according to the Diversities of the Cases; that is to wit; if the Mother or the Brother, or the Sister, or the Uncle, or the Aunt, were seised in Demesne as of Fee of the Thing demanded by Process of Mortdancester, on the Day when they died. And when many Coheirs and Parceners of any Inheritance demand that Inheritance, that is to say, when one of them demandeth on the Death of Father or Mother, Brother or Sister, Uncle or Aunt, and another or others of those demand on the Death of a Grandfather or Grandmother or Cousin, Male or Female, a Writ of Mortdancester shall be made to them upon their Case; because that part of the said Writ that toucheth the kind of Ancestor who is dead, according to the Clause thereof commonly used, draweth unto it the Nature of other Articles touching Coheirs in remoter degrees.

The General Writ; which in one Case concerneth the Right, and in another the Possession.

The King to the Sheriff, Greeting. Command A., that justly and without Delay he render to B. the Manor of N. with the Appurtenances, whereof the aforesaid A. deforceth him, as he saith; and unless he shall so do, and if the aforesaid B. shall give you Security to prosecute his Claim, then summon by good summoners the aforesaid A. that he be before our Justice, to show wherefore he hath not done it. And have there the Summoners and this Writ. Dated &c. Or this: Command A. that justly, &c. he render so much land, with the appurtenances in N. as before. And in like manner that Writ shall be granted before the Justices in the Bench, if the demandant chooseth.

The Writ of Dower in Wales.

The King to the Sheriff, Greeting. Command A. that justly and without delay, he render to B. who was the wife of C. her reasonable