Dower that to her belongeth of the Freehold that was the aforesaid C.'s, late her Husband, in N. whereof she hath nothing, as she saith, and whereof she complaineth that the aforesaid A. deforceth her; and unless he shall so do, and if the aforesaid B. shall give you Security to prosecute her Claim, then summon by good summoners the aforesaid A. that he be before our Justice, &c. to shew, &c. and have there the summoners and this Writ. Dated &c. And the Form of the Writ shall be changed according to the diversity of the Cases; to wit, if the woman should have been endowed at the Church door, by the Consent and Will of the Father, or other ancestor whose Heir he may be or ought to be.
The Writ of Debt.
The King to the Sheriff, Greeting. Command A. that justly and without delay, he render to B. One hundred Shillings, which he oweth to him and unjustly detaineth, as he saith; and unless he shall so do, and if the aforesaid B. shall give you security to prosecute his Claim, then summon by good summoners the aforesaid A. that he be before our Justice to shew wherefore he hath not done it; and have there the summoners and this Writ. Dated &c. And if Chattels or Sacks of Wool should be demanded, the Writ shall be as underwritten:
The King to the Sheriff, Greeting. Command A. that justly and without delay, he render to B. one Sack of Wool, of the Value of Ten Marks, which he unjustly withholdeth from him; or Chattels to the Value of Ten Marks, which he unjustly withholdeth from him, as he saith. And unless he shall so do, &c. as before. And the Forms of like Writs shall be made according to the Plaintiff's shewing, and to the diversities of the Cases. And such Writs of Debt, to be pleaded before the Justice, shall not be made of a less sum than Forty Shillings. But Pleas of Debt that amount not to the Sum of Forty Shillings, shall be pleaded in the County Court, and likewise in the Commote. And if it happen the Plaintiff should choose to plead of such in the County Court, then let there be made to him this Writ, which is called Justicies.
We command you, that you hold to Justice A. that justly and without delay he render to B. One Hundred Shillings which he oweth to him, as he saith, and he may reasonably prove that he ought to render the same; so that we may hear no more Complaint